Technology and ICT in Education


The project was created in response to two basic needs identified at the level of the schools involved - the need to boost students' motivation and consequently their school results and the need to promote intercultural dialogue among people from different countries and backgrounds, in a European context which is now facing great challenges. 

Therefore, the purpose of this project consists of two apparently distinct directions. On the one hand, we want to get students more involved in their own learning by having them use the computer in their studying, thus improving their results and performance. On the other hand, we want them to experience what it means to be European, to expose them to different ways of thinking, values and beliefs.


The project aims to establish a successful partnership among a diversity of schools and regions. The partner schools have come together in an attempt to develop meet the desires and needs of students in terms of utilising technology in their learning endeavours. Students already spend quite a lot of time on their phones or computers and often this activity has negative effects on the student's performance in school. We intend to use applications and develop virtual lessons which can improve students' literacy and numeracy skills, thus making them more accessible to the learner. We want to enter the world of students and try to see things from their perspective. 


Expected Results

Students will improve knowledge in terms of ICT tools for educational purposes, practical skills related to designing mini-lessons, storytrailers, digital projects, online quizzes, digital artwork, motivation, school results, experience another culture, increase adaptability, self-awareness and awareness of cultural differences which make Europe so diverse, and yet unitary.

Teachers will have the chance to exchange good practices, teaching methods, opinions and will improve English and digital skills, organisational skills, teaching methods and tools.

Schools will promote a positive self-image and become more visible in the community. They will gain project management experience and will set examples for other schools to apply for projects. They will also become more cohesive and a positive atmosphere will be created among the members.